Monday 20 December 2010

all religion is idolatry... (religiorant)

I'm a religious extremist, because I think that religion, and I mean all of it, every single bit of it, it is all idolatry, at the very least, on some level...

what I am saying is that the religious can have their religion, but they can keep it to themselves, because not only does religious paraphernalia and rhetoric annoy the fuck out of me, but by not keeping their religion to themselves, it's a good chance that the religious are getting their religion wrong, so by keeping it to themselves they are doing themselves a favour, because if religion is kept private, there's a good chance the believer will avoid committing idolatry.

so if the religious would completely refrain from bragging about their beliefs, then they would have a much better chance of not committing idiotry idolatry - thereby avoiding that hell-fire and brimstone lake thing i heard about once that happens if you break the first commandment.

so, because non-believers have no actual beliefs about god, they can *not* commit idolatry, therefore a non-believer can not break the first commandment.

So stop trying to combat religion with your own "arsenal" of logic and science, hi-jack the launch codes of their own "arsenal" and use their own religion back at them.


so forget about logical proofs, for *or* against god, forget any evidence for or against religion *whatsoever* - and that includes the bible itself, god, Jesus, Allah, Muhammad, forget your clever logic, forget you're debunking of stupid stories that even eight year old kids can see as being stupid, forget the pope being a cock head saying that atheism is the bane of society, forget about whether christmas and easter are pagan rituals that the christians hi-jacked and now the christians think it's theirs .... ra ra ra .. forget it all

so, forget about any argument *for* or *against* religion, because all religious things are idolatry, because the only thing that matters when it comes to people and their precious religion, is the meaning of what that religion has supposedly taught... anything else, is beside the point....

the entire point of christianity is to follow the TWO commandments of Jesus.... not the *TEN* COMMANDMENTS of *Moses* - the TWO commandments of Jesus *outrank* and *supersede* the ten, and unless you're pretty stupid, you'd know that... so for those who are stupid and didn't know that fact, and *yes* there are people who are THAT stupid. Some stupid cunt once told me that my silly notions of Jesus teaching TWO commandments were some kind of Jedi mind trick I was trying to play on him.

Let me say this again: I got into an argument with a CHRISTIAN, who DEMANDED that I not make up stories about Jesus teaching TWO COMMANDMENTS and that I should keep my JEDI MIND TRICKS to myself.

I'm sorry, but if that person is not a stupid cunt, then the word "cunt" should never be used again to describe stupid people.

So to reiterate; these are not Jedi Mind Tricks, they are the two commandments that Jesus taught::

"love thy god before all others" and "love thy neighbour as you would have them love you"

So that whole dying on the cross thing, was a metaphor for making the ultimate sacrifice, the ultimate way to show that you "love thy neighbour"! right?

and by following the second commandment, you are inherently following the first, because the highest law in the bible that christians are COMMANDED to follow, is "love". don't believe me? then maybe it's *you* that needs to read the bible?!

Romans 13:9 For the commandments, "You shall not commit adultery," "You shall not murder," "You shall not steal," "You shall not bear false witness," "You shall not covet," and if there is any other commandment, are all summed up in this saying, namely, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."

Romans 13:10 Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.

so anything else apart from showing love/respect/honour/tolerance towards your fellow humans, is beside the point, right? what's the point of calling yourself a christian if that simple notion of treating others well, is not put first in your life?

if you can't "love thy neighbour" then you are bullshitting the world by telling us that you are a christian.

so with that being said, in terms of christianity: christmas is beside the point, and Easter too, the ten commandments have been superseded, even the bible itself is beside the point, Jesus, Satan and god itself, Job, Moses, St Peter, St Paul - whatever it is - it's all beside the point... "Do unto others" should be a simple enough notion such that it could be passed on by verbal traditions - so what was the frikking point in muddying the waters with all of that whole religion bullshit thing wrapped around it?

none of these things are anything to do with following what Jesus taught, these are all ICONS representing christianity... eg. how is saying "Praise Jesus" *actually* "loving thy neighbour"?? saying "Praise Jesus" is NOTHING to do with showing love for others.

if you don't get that, then christianity is a big fail for you.

Even "Jesus" himself is an idolatrous representation of this alleged direct descendant of god. There was no person called "Jesus" 2000 years ago, the letter "J" wasn't even part of our alphabet 500 years ago, so how the fuck could there have been someone called "J"esus in biblical times?

even having an innocent image of god in your head is idolatry on some vague level if you're a believer, because how could you possibly know what god looks like? so any idea you have about god, is pure guess-work, so if you *do* guess as to some aspect about the nature of god, then you have at least partially *made*up* an image of god in your head.., therefore it's IDOLATRY..

and i don't care if it's in your imagination, talk to the hand, it's still idolatry... it's not golden calf level idolatry, but it's still idolatrous nonetheless...


even the Muslims getting fucked off about those drawings of Muhammad are committing idolatry, and committing idolatry is the *very* fucking thing that they are getting fucked off about in the first place!

to show what I mean as an example: think about this dot -> .

see that dot? that's Muhammad, *the* prophet of Islam...

but that's not idolatry to me, not in the least, I don't believe in Muhammad's teachings, *whatever* they are, I was barely even aware that Islam even existed ten years ago, so I've got no idea about the teachings of Muhammad - and that's the point, isn't it?

I don't know crap about Muhammad, I've not read the Koran or Hadiths and I've no intention of doing so either!! so how can I even know what's blasphemous and what's not? how can *I* commit idolatry and have that actually mean something. Don't *I* need to be a Muslim to commit idolatry towards Islam?

and seriously, you can get fucked if you think you're going to ask me to "learn" about Islam, let alone convert and make tolerance concessions for things like "Sharia Law" - where a woman can be convicted of adultery for admitting to getting *raped* - Sharia "law" is a system where eyewitness testimony is held in higher regard than any evidence. Look it up.

but back to the dot that is Muhammad, if a Muslim were to look at that dot and then recognise that dot as Muhammad, simply because my infidel arse has gone and said that it's Muhammad, then that Muslim would then be committing idolatry because they are acknowledging that that representation of Muhammad *IS* a representation of Muhammad. Because if it wasn't a valid or accurate representation of Muhammad, then why get upset?

so, some Muslim sees Muhammad drawn as a dog getting fucked by a pig and they get upset? well, it's *only* idolatry *when* that Muslim takes offence because they are recognising that representation as being a valid one of Muhammad. so by getting upset, they are indeed admitting that Muhammad is a dog that gets fucked by pigs.

That's what a Muslim is saying when they get fucked off about Muhammad pictures, they are admitting that these "alleged" drawings of Muhammad, are no longer *alleged*, but in fact they *are* valid icons representing Muhammad.

too tricky for them?? yeah, I thought so.... and I know it's not cool to make fun of people, but, well, when you claim your religion is one of peace and then go and make death threats - you're asking to be mocked. You're forfeiting your right to complain if you make DEATH THREATS over FUCKING DRAWINGS.

It may be uncool to draw pictures of Muhammad, but it's a BILLION TIMES more uncool to make death threats and act violently because of said DRAWINGS.

So for *any* representation that is supposedly of Muhammad, a Muslim should look at it and say something like, "That's not Muhammad (PBUH), because how do *you* know what he looks like? Silly Infidel!! may Allah not smite you *too* much for being so bold!" ... LOL!

So in the case of the Muhammad "." (dot) above, for a Muslim to get all pissed off about that, they are actually acknowledging that that "." (dot) is *indeed* the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)! and a "." is a thing, and when a "thing" represents your religion, that's idolatry, is it not?

and seriously, it's a DOT ... if I showed you a DOT like it was meant to offend you, would I not look extremely stupid for somehow thinking that a DOT could somehow offend someone? yes sir, it's an extreme example, but aren't all drawings just heaps of dots all joined together?

dots are things, drawings are things, statues are things... what they mean is up to the person that sees them.

so the only way that that thing can represent your religion, is if the *believer* accepts that thing as being a valid representation of their faith. ERGO it's IDOLATRY on the part of the believer, because remember from the start of this rant, non-believers can't commit idolatry.


but back to christianity: the point of what Jesus taught was that JC said to '"do" unto others as you would have them "do" unto you', and "do" is an action, which is unlike many of the ten commandments, which say to "not" do particular things... and "not" doing something is pretty fucking easy...

don't lie.... i can't lie very well *anyway*...

don't steal... no problem...

don't commit adultery... pfft!...

don't murder... easy...

don't work on the sabbath and keep it sacred.. no worries!! I want to have *every* day as that sabbath-sacred-have-a-day-off thing...

don't covet... urrr...

well, a couple of the commandments are easy, and i bet a lot of people "think" that if they aren't breaking *all* the ten commandments, then they'll at least get into the cheap seats in heaven...

I bet there are even people who by just saying "I believe in Jesus", think that it means they will be getting into heaven... lip service much? just because you give Jesus a blow-job, it doesn't mean you're going to heaven when you die!!

but in terms of what Jesus taught, ie. "*do* unto others" aka "*love* thy neighbour" aka "The Golden Rule", any amount of words, images, ideas, verses, none of it matters.... it's all idolatry

sure, the preachers, the bibles and other "things" in a religion may teach the very foundations of that religion, *but* all that is too much for an apathetic "western" society that wants an instant fix of feeling "good". which is stupid because the entire basis of what Jesus taught can be summarised as "be nice to other people if you want them to be nice to you" or even mowed down to one or two words - "be nice!" "show respect!" ... "*patience*" .. if christians can't remember that much, then it's time to give it the fuck away.

so instead of the little mantras like "Praise Jesus", "I love god", "I believe in Jesus", "Allah Ackbah" and other catchy but meaningless phrases that religious people often use, they should say things like "Do unto others!" ... stupid idea, hey? would we rather the annoying christians go around saying "Praise Jesus!" or would it better if they said "Be nice!" ??

surely people are not that fucking stupid that they need to have an *entire* religion wrapped around the "Golden Rule" concept? is that why a lot of people can't follow christianity properly? they are still wading through all the bullshit nonsense stories of that religion and have not got to the actual meaning behind the religion yet? like someone who fills up on the appetisers before they get to the main meal... I told you not to eat lollies before having dinner, didn't I?!?!?!


in western society, it's clear that there are too many i-believe-in-jesus-so-i-go-to-heaven-when-i-die-regardless-of-what-I-do type of christians out there... I have a sneaking suspicion that they are the majority... and i'm pretty sure this "rule" applies to other religions, especially the monotheistic ones that say "don't commit idolatry" as part of their commandments....

it seems to me that many people are just too lazy to think enough to be able to give away their religion, but, it may be all they have, as some people clearly just *need* to believe, they *need* moral guidance, and even getting their religion grossly wrong, may just be a better thing than them having no religion at all... so if you want to keep Jesus in your heart, that's just fine by me. do it! I envy the feeling it must give you, but it's attachment, it's idolatry, it's not the point of your belief system...

i think that the true point of belief results from being selfless and the pure enjoyment you get out of helping someone out for the sake of helping them out, with no thought of reward. You wouldn't even be minimally selfish enough to even notice that you were being helpful... you would be helpful as a reflex action... like with breathing: how often do you think, "oh shit man! I'm breathing!"!!

but regardless, any thing to do with a religion is beside the point; christmas, easter, chocolate, easter bunnies, chocolate easter bunnies, christmas chocolate easter bunnies, santa claus, the "holy" land, holy months, meccas, maccas, 1500 year old ruined buildings where some prophet's horse took a piss, vaticans, popes, crucifixes, churches, synagogues, mosques, cartoons of your favourite prophet, communions, inquisitions, crusades, jihads, fatwas, temples on the mount, sacred ground, blah de fucking blah blah blah ....

in the example of christianity, all those things mean nothing compared to actually *doing* unto others (aka, treating people with respect, because you want to be treated with respect), so all of those "things" are just icons or idols representing christianity, even images of Jesus and god in your *head* are beside the point, because they are *not* actions, you are supposed to convey the message of christianity via your actions, and actions do not include going around telling people to just arbitrarily believe in Jesus....


if all those "things" actually clearly conveyed the notion of "love thy neighbour", then that's a different story, but i've not seen anyone "being" christian for over a decade, and no amount of words can convey love anyway, it's your actions that ACTUALLY matter when it comes to love. You may say you're my friend, or that you love me, or that you respect me, but unless your words actually mesh with the things you *do*, then your words mean nothing...

so saying "Praise Jesus", "I love god", "just read the bible", "Evolution is a lie", or making some bible quote, or any other random phrase that identifies your self as a christian without actually showing that you are *being* christian or that you are showing an *understanding* of what Jesus has taught, then it's all beside the point.

In fact, some christians have their religion so wrong, that they are completely OFFENSIVE towards the teachings of Jesus in their blatant ability to get their own alleged religion, WRONG..

people can keep their religions, as long as they keep it them to themselves, because every thing else apart from what you keep to your self, is idolatry...

you are supposed to teach and share your religion by acting in the manner it says you should act, if you don't act like your religion tells you to, then you are a hypocrite

it's what you do that matters, so keep your offensive ideas of morality to yourself, it may work for you, and that's good, but you're just killing your religion by trying to tell other people that your religion is better, and just announcing that you're a follower of some particular religion like it was meant to mean something, even that is idolatry... so yes, even simply listing your religion on your online profile - even that is a mild form of idolatry...

eg. so what if you're christian? so frikking what? unless you act christ-like, you're just bragging that you're something that you're not.

maybe that's the problem with religion? believers in a western society have been so pumped up on happy endings in their sitcoms, novels, reality tv shows, movies, and gossip shows, that everyone automatically thinks that believing in Jesus, gets you that happy ending with a free ticket to heaven? yes, that's idolatry too..

like being part of the "in-crowd" because you went and saw some movie, but didn't "get" what the movie was about, but that's okay, you've seen the movie, so you're "in" - it didn't matter that you didn't understand the movie. .... .... . .. *WRONG* .. it makes you a PRETENDER


and to reiterate what I said at the start, non-believers, by not believing that any particular image of god, is *actually* "god", even in their brains, are incapable of breaking the first commandment... they can't commit idolatry....

god is an unknown, right? so to *not* form any image of god avoids creating an incorrect image of god, therefore non-believers have a superior ability in not committing idolatry, and are avoiding breaking the first commandment.

which is worse? following the wrong religion? following no religion at all? or following the "correct" religion, but then getting it wrong? which group do you think god is going to be the most pissed at? If you're going to do something, do it well.

"do what you do do well, boy, do what you do do well, give your love and all of your heart, and do what you do do, well"

so do you like that implication?

by *not* believing in any image of anything "godly", even if that image is in your brain, you avoid breaking the first commandment, you don't make the *wrong* choice for your god because you have chosen none at all.

and I know it says something like "love thy god before all others" .. but it's not about loving god, not directly, it's more about *not* forming some random idea of god; it's about *not* assuming anything about god; it's all about avoiding the line of thought that somehow just believing is all you need to do; it's about *not* forming the idea that god just happens to want the exact same thing that you just happen to want... *rolls*eyes*

because if you form *any* idea of god, you are making an assumption about god, and to make an assumption about something that you emotionally believe in, well, that's a recursive loop, possibly the one that sustains the beliefs of many people.

Belief is an addiction, and it's recursive because you get emotional reward from believing, but your beliefs require that you make assumptions, so you need to make bigger and bigger assumptions to get your "religious fix" until you've told yourself assumptions that are so big that your head is so far up your arse that nothing else can contradict that lump of crap that is jammed up there that you just can't quite shit out...

and making assumptions about god also instantly demotes it from being a god anyway, because as soon as you have some idea of what you think god wants or is or whatever, you are putting a mortal limit on god.... making mortal representations of god means you are putting mortal limits on god. and putting a limit on god, renders that "god" status null and void.

god is an unknown, so please just fucking leave it at that and get on with your life and you won't be committing idolatry...

mostly written on 12/12/10.... mostly.. and i *swear* it was only a short blog at first ... oh well...

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the religious should not read these blogs, they *will* be offended

these are my rantings about religion - i speak fluent sarcasm - know this when you are reading and it will save you some heartache.