Thursday 15 April 2010

non-believers have superior morals... (religiorant)

that's right,

non-believers have superior morals

so in spite of certain arse hole christians who go around insisting and insinuating that non-believers have no morals at all, the reality is just the opposite.

non-believers are NOT limited to sourcing their morals from ONE source like christians do.

For instance, a christian who claims to have superior morals, can't possibly have superior morals, as they only have ONE source for their moral guidance.

And besides, any christian saying that they have superior morals, instantly nullifies that statement, seeing how they have just committed the sin of PRIDE by BRAGGING that they are better than everyone else. What happened to the meek shall inherit the earth? Bragging is polar opposite of being meek, is it not?

So here's me, on the other hand as a non-believer, I am free to pick and choose from a very wide set of belief systems for my moral guidance, instead of picking and choosing from the one set of morals like the christian does... Furthermore, I get to *REJECT* all the NEGATIVE bullshit that these "moral" sources seem to often advocate. That is to say that if I don't like something about one of my moral sources, I don't have to tip toe around the issue to try and make it fit into my doctrine, instead I expand upon my doctrine, and find a morally acceptable position by expanding my morals.

eg. How can christians hate gays when Jesus taught to love everyone? If that's what chrsitianity is, then you can keep your belligerence and hateful bits of your religion to yourself.

As a personal example of a non-believers' source for morals, my moral influences include:

George Carlin
Carl Sagan
Robin Williams
The Dalai Lama
Bilbo Baggins
my family
etc etc etc

And many others, in fact, I would go so far as to say, that everything and every experience in my entire life has gone towards the fabric of my morals, unlike christians who limit their moral guidance to one book from before the Dark Ages...

So excuse me, Mr and Mrs and Ms Smart-Arse christian, how can my morals be less than yours, let alone be non-existent, when my moral guidance *includes* the teachings of your messiah, as well as many other sources?

christians *limit* their morals to the teachings of christianity, I do not....

well, actually, that's bullshit, because I am yet to know of any christian that is actually following the teachings of Jesus as taught in the bible.

furthermore, of the things that i choose to use as a source of my morals, i am free to ignore the bullshit that goes along with it, just like christians completely ignore the two commandments Jesus gave and focus on the eye for an eye bullshit of the old testament... are you christian, or are you jewish?

for example, there is a handful of good things in christianity, from Jesus, I learnt... "do unto others as you would have them do unto you", "judge not lest thee be judged your self", "let he who is without sin, cast the first stone"... and anything else from christianity that doesn't fit those few things, I ignore.

My morals are not weighed down by religious bullshit, they are not weighed down trying to find answers, if I don't have a simple answer in my philosophy to some moral question, I don't go and try and find that answer in what I already know, I don't try to solve this moral dilemma with what I already know, I grow, I expand my horizon and look for the answer beyond what I currently know.

mostly written 3rd April 2010 ... mostly ...

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the religious should not read these blogs, they *will* be offended

these are my rantings about religion - i speak fluent sarcasm - know this when you are reading and it will save you some heartache.