Wednesday 6 January 2010

UPDATED: just how dumb are believers? ... (religion v science)

additions marked --EDIT--

Why is everyone so fucking stupid? Why aren't more peopre interrigent, rike me?--[Kim Jong Il - "Team America"]

i gotta say people, this is just so fucking stupid i thought i'd share it with you -- this is why i love and hate talking to creationists

keep this in mind - if you don't know something - FUCKING ASK QUESTIONS - not asking questions means you are stupid, arrogant, selfish, too proud, too afraid, or some combination of them all.

there is nothing more pathetic in this world than someone who doesn't ask questions, except maybe for people who don't answer questions when asked or people who ask the same questions over and over again. (and yes, that makes us men who don't ask questions, stupid, but we knew this)

scientists must communicate their knowledge with the world - because if they don't share their knowledge - then that knowledge may as well not exist, because when they die, so does that knowledge, it's not like your brain can be downloaded after you die, at least not *yet*, so if you don't share your knowledge, then what's the point in being a scientist? oh and religious bullshit doesn't count as "knowledge", so don't feel obligated to share your "knowledge" about your religions of "peace"... what did Bill Hicks say?

"Beliefs are neat. Cherish them, but don't share them like they're the truth."
--[Bill Hicks]

anyway... i won't say who this is - what fun would that be? but I will mention that you may need to hold your brain in for this one....

Because of the spinning of the earth, the magma deep inside the earth is continuously condensing into the mantel just under the crust. The mantel cools down with pressure and becomes more solid than the magma under it which is more liquidized. This mantel becomes like the air tank being filled with too much air. It creates leaks once in a while because the pressure is enormous and that's why we have volcanic eruptions to let off some of the pressure, but one day, it won't be enough for just a few volcanic eruptions. There will be explosions that generate much bigger cracks for the magma to escape. The hardened mantel will become more liquid as the pressure begins to decrease so it will be much easier for it to come pouring out of the cracks in the crust and this will widen the cracks and melt the crust as it goes through. This process will take a long time but in the end, all the crust will be melted until all the pressure of the mantel is released and back to normal. Then a new crust will be made as the earth begins to cool down. This new earth is what the prophets and saints prophesied about but they didn't have all the details that I have. Being as we're much closer to the end, God gives his last saints the understanding of what is going to happen so they can warn the people around them.

Your just one of the few who will ever hear this prophecy.

January 3, 2010 - Sunday - 8:45 PM


with the FIRST sentence, the entire premise is destroyed..

"Because of the spinning of the earth, the magma deep inside the earth is continuously condensing into the mantel just under the crust"

This great prophet (PBUH), is stating that the centrifugal force of the spinning of the earth, is pushing the magma up against the bottom of the crust of the earth, much like when you have, say, a litre or so of water in the bottom of a ten litre bucket, so if you were to spin and hold your arms out as you hold the bucket, the bucket would point outwards as you spun and eventually you'll spin fast enough such that the bucket would end up pointing directly away from you and you would see that the water at the bottom of the bucket is being held in place by the g-forces created by your spinning ...

fair enough... we do know that the force pushing upwards via centrifugal force, however small, actually does exist...


you are able to spin a lot faster and create more centrifugal g-forces in comparison to the gravity you naturally produce. ie. the gravitational field that you create just by standing there is practically non-existent, you have so little gravity yourself, that water isn't even attracted to you when you are at rest. Try it, pour a bucket of water over your head and see how much of that water stays in orbit around you.

now the earth on the other hand, with all that mass that actually caused the water to fall on your head instead of floating about in bubbles through the sky, produces far less centrifugal force in comparison to the gravity it produces.

The proof is, hold that bucket of water above your head, point it down with the open end pointing at you and hold it there with one hand. Did the bucket stay above your head like it did when you were spinning around?

You can even do this experiment without the bucket, i recommend you go outside for this one.

Now, just stand around for a minute.

Did you take careful note of the empirical evidence concerning how you were NOT FLUNG into outer space?

There's your proof.

Centrifugal force, even though it exists, is easily drowned out by the gravitational field of the earth and considering that the Earth's crust is relatively thin compared to the radius of the Earth, the gravity levels in the mantle regions, would be barely different as most of the mass of the Earth is in the iron core anyway...

Of course, I won't mention that if the earth was ACTUALLY spinning this fast when it was being formed, well, it never would have formed in the first place, as the accretion disk from which the earth was formed, would have torn itself apart every time it tried to form. Think of one of those mini carousel things you can get for the dinner table so you can put on salt/pepper/sauce so anyone at the table can rotate them around to the thing they want. If you rotate these carousels slowly, everything stays on board, but if you give them a big spin, every thing goes flying off the carousel, because the mass of the carousel is not enough to keep the items in place (actually, friction keeps the items in place, but the effect is the same. gravity keeps you in place on the earth, and friction keeps the items on the rotating carousel in place). Or a roulette wheel, how the ball rolls around the outside of the wheel until it slows down enough for the earth's gravity to plonk the ball into a slot...

need I say more about the first sentence??

now with the SECOND sentence, mantel does NOT cool down with pressure, it heats up and ... oh never mind .... i won't bore you, the rebuttal to the first sentence was only meant to be a paragraph or two!!

my reply to this guy was something along the lines of that I won't explain just how *wrong* he was... I also didn't miss his BLASPHEMY of calling himself a "saint" either..

I've seen a few people call themselves saints, how do people get this up-themselves? fuck that annoys and baffles me. You're supposed to die in order to get a Sainthood, right?

I bet these are the arseholes who didn't pay attention in school, that they are the bastards that thought it'd be cool to skip class.. i bet these are the guys who made fun of the smart kids

revenge is quite sweet, yeah I remember you, no i don't want fries with that..


for reference this is the actual reply to this guy... it seemed a waste to not actually put the information out into the world, it's just a rehash of the above, but more "polite" ...

I lied - I will explain - but I'm only going to explain how you are wrong for your first sentence .. i hope you understand...

"Because of the spinning of the earth, the magma deep inside the earth is continuously condensing into the mantel just under the crust"

what you are stating is that the centrifugal force of the spinning of the earth, is pushing the magma up against the bottom of the crust of the earth, right? much like when you have, say, a litre or so of water in the bottom of a ten litre bucket, so if you were to spin and hold your arms out as you hold the bucket, the bucket would point outwards as you spun and eventually you'll spin fast enough such that the bucket would end up pointing directly away from you and you would see that the water at the bottom of the bucket is being held in place by the g-forces created by your spinning ...

fair enough... we do know that the force pushing upwards via centrifugal force, however big or small, actually does exist...


you are able to spin a lot faster and create more centrifugal g-forces in comparison to the gravity you naturally produce, so the water in the bucket stays where it is because your mass isn't anywhere near enough to draw it towards you. ie. the gravitational field that you create just by standing there is practically non-existent, and is easily overwhelmed by centrifugal forces of your spinning.

now the earth on the other hand, with all that mass, produces far less centrifugal force in comparison to the gravity it produces because it's not spinning fast enough like you can to overcome the effects of gravity

The proof is, hold that bucket of water above your head, point it down with the open end pointing at you and hold it there with one hand. Did the water stay in the bucket and did the bucket stay above your head in the same way that the bucket and the water was held in place while you were spinning around?

You can do this experiment without the bucket, for what you seem to be saying about the spinning causing the magma to reach the surface, that spinning would probably also be fast enough to fling you into space. Remember it's got to be strong enough to break through the crust, but you're standing on top of the crust, there would be nothing stopping you from being flung into the air

remember how the bucket tried to "escape" from you as you spun around by pointing directly away from you? To get a similar effect with the earth, it would need to be spinning just as fast to overcome it's gravity. (relatively speaking)

think of it this way, you need to spin once every second or two to get the bucket to at least start to point away from you, so for the centrifugal forces of the spinning of the earth to over power the earth's gravity, the earth would need to be rotating much much faster than it is

i won't bore you with the math - but the centrifugal force is something like 350 times weaker than gravity at the earth's surface, which means the earth would need to rotate at about 8km/s a second at the equator, we currently rotate at 0.463 km/s .. which means the day would have to be something like 80 minutes long, and that's just to balance centrifugal forces against gravity at the earth's surface (for the math)

Centrifugal forces, even though they exist, are easily drowned out by the gravitational field of a planet, and considering that the Earth's crust is a relatively thin (~0-40km roughly) compared to the radius of the Earth (~6400km), the gravity levels in the mantle and magma regions up to 500km under the crust (the region i assume you meant), would be barely different as most of the mass of the Earth is towards the core anyway... eg. the heavier elements sink

so having said all that, if the earth was spinning this fast when it was being formed, it never could have formed in the first place, as the disk of rocks and gases from which the earth was formed, would have flung itself apart every time it tried to form. if somehow the earth came to spin that fast today, well, it certainly would be interesting, but i can't think of anything that could do that without ripping the earth apart in the process

Think of one of those mini carousel things you can get for the dinner table so you can put on salt/pepper and stuff on, so anyone at the table can rotate them around to the thing they want. If you rotate these carousels slowly, everything stays on board, but if you give them a big spin, every thing goes flying off the carousel, because the mass of the carousel (actually it's the friction of the object on the surface that keeps the items in place, but let's pretend that's the friction has the same effect as gravity for this example) is not enough to keep the items in place.

Or a roulette wheel, how the ball rolls around the outside of the wheel until it slows down enough for the earth's gravity to plonk the ball into a slot... that ball was able to stay on the outside when it was going fast but when it slowed down, gravity over took it and pulled it back down

for the rest of what you said, google convection currents, tectonic stresses, shifting continental plates, stuff like that should get you going, and volcanoes appear near fault lines a lot, google "pacific ring of fire" to show you what I mean, have a read, it's fascinating

see!!! i can be nice... FUCK YOU!! LOL!


but here's what the fucking ungrateful dumbarse said back .. i bet he didn't "get" any of what I said, it's not like I could dumb it down any more..

I won't be around to watch you hold back the lava pouring out of the earth so keep this information for yourself. Scientists think too much instead of looking for the truth. The truth will tell you everything that's coming our way.

God bless you,

Posted by Word of Truth on January 6, 2010 - Wednesday - 9:37 PM

god bless me? i told that fucktard to keep his blessings to himself ... what an ungrateful little bitch, bring back the Roman fucking Empire ... the *Real* one ... not the bullshit one Constantine screwed up ...

seriously - if these people don't want to learn - then they ONLY go to atheism and non-believer blogs to FUCKING MESS WITH YOU

block them, block them all... what is "christian - other" anyway? what fucking church do I need to talk to to get their members excommunicated??

the church of the born again loser?

seriously - what is the matter .. oh wait.. god delusion.. they think they *are* god.. they just don't realise they think they are god

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the religious should not read these blogs, they *will* be offended

these are my rantings about religion - i speak fluent sarcasm - know this when you are reading and it will save you some heartache.